Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February 4

Mr. Sandman
Grandma and Grandpa Rickman arrived to squeeze the baby. Patrick loves seeing them. Grandpa loves to play jump-jump with him and will bounce "Thunder Thighs" on his legs. Grandma Linda loves to say, "How Big is Patrick? So, BIG!" I enjoy seeing Patrick interact with his grandparents. Greg and I are fortunate to be so close to family. I truly don't understand when families don't spend time together or call one another. We are blessed. :)

This afternoon, Patrick and I have been playing a game. I will blow bubbles on his cheek and then Patrick immediately grabs my face and pulls me forward. Then, does the same thing on my cheek. We do this several times until we get tired. It's the cutest thing to watch your son give you love. He loves to "play" with my hair. Some people would say he's pulling my hair, but since he gives me kisses, I call it hug. :)

Mr. Sandman, bring me some SLEEP. Mr. Sandman is coming to our house and sprinkling sleepy dust on Patrick. It's a good thing because momma is getting tired. Patrick slept from 11:30 p.m. to 7:15 a.m. then napped from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. This was so great! I felt refresh and energized. Perhaps we are being re-introduced to nap time. Thank you Mr. Sandman!

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