Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 17

It snowed. Big time. And the wind is sending chills up and down my spine. It's one of our biggest snow storms this winter. Grandma and Grandpa decide to leave this morning. During their recent travels, they have been getting snowed in on several trips, so they decided to leave early to avoid bad weather. I was relieved when Grandpa called to let us know that once they left our house and reached the main highway out of town, the roads were in good condition. Before they left, Grandma Linda was able to feed Patrick cereal. I thrilled that she gets to experience some of the fun we have each day.

In the afternoon, we watched "Bubbie" try to roll over. It's so funny to watch him grab his feet, then toes. He hikes up his thunder thighs and all of a sudden, he is rolling side-to-side. Lately, he's been reaching for his mobile in his crib. I guess we should move it or move the mattress down another level. Perhaps both.

Patrick loves to eat food. He tried Sweet Potatoes. Looks like we have a winner. He kept saying, "YUMMM" and wanted more. It appears I have an excellent eater who doesn't seem picky.

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