Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13

Like Father Like Son
After Patrick's early morning feeding, he was ready to go back to sleep, but it's still early. Greg's alarm hasn't gone off yet, so I put Patrick in between us. I look over and Patrick was sleeping with his right arm under his head and his mouth open. Then I glanced at his daddy and he is in the same position. I see so many similarities between my son and his father. It's quite interesting. Then I see Greg around his own father, both at their laptops...spitting image. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Routine. It happens every day. Kiss Greg goodbye, get up, feed Patrick cereal. Once he is finished, I put several toys on his high chair to play. Then he tries to eat them and slowly, they all fall on the floor. So I wipe them off, put them on the table, then he eats them and they eventually fall again. Same routine, different day. He loves playing and wants to play with all his toys at one time. Some times, he'll put a toy in each hand and then tries to eat both of them. It's okay for a while, then he gets frustrated and let's out this scream. Wow! High pitch noises from such a sweet boy. Where does he get this from? :)

This afternoon, Patrick was cranky. He needed some sleep, but I needed to run some errands. So after several attempts to put Patrick down for a nap, I decided to take Bubbie along for the ride. He wasn't going to go to sleep. As soon as the van started, he became calm. No longer does he get upset when we stop at the stop signs. He just looks around at the cars. He's interested in everyone and everything. It's amazing how much he is taking in.

This evening, he gobbled all of his carrots. It doesn't appear that he'll be a picky eater, but then he's only had rice and carrots. I'm anxious to give him fruit, but I must be patience. What will all this food do to this body? Well, I found out when I changed his diaper. Oh, the smell. I'm not use to this. Carrot poop. Yuck!

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