Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 21

Reach for the Stars.
It's time to put the swing away. Patrick is reaching for the mobile and is leaning forward and pulling on it. He is reaching for anything in arm's distance. Some times, he'll scream if he can't reach objects. I've been putting his toys on his blanket and he managed to reach and grab all of them. It's amazing how he can get things that are out of his reach. He's quick.

Daddy went out and bought a new computer. It was a complete surprise; especially since he bought a Mac. We love it! I want to redesign our baby blog and do fun things with our photo's and film. The Mac will give us so much more flexibility. Now if I only had the time.

We watched a little bit of "American Idol". Greg and I love to sing, so we love to watch the contestants. I'm the one that usually records the show and if we have time, we'll watch it. Greg won't admit to it, but I don't have a problem saying I like the show. I don't like it when the contestants are bad, but when they are talented, oh wow, do I love to listen to the music. So there was a guy that sang Queen's song, "Bohemian Rhapsody". Oh, did he sound fabulous! All day, I've been singing, "Mama....Ooooo". We'll Patrick picked up on this song and he is trying to sing the "Ooooo" part. It's the cutest thing. He gets this serious look on his face and then screams, "Oo-oo-ooo". I think he'll love singing in the future. I'm always playing different types of music around him. I want him to love music the way Greg and I love music.

Patrick might be teething again. He's been drooling more so I gave him some Tylenol. He goes "Yumm Yumm Yumm", then growls because the sweet tasting cherry flavor is gone and he wants more. I sure hope he doesn't get daddy's sweet tooth.

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