Saturday, January 5, 2008

January 3

Patrick is a great sleeper at night, but doesn't take long naps for the day. When I talked to our pediatrician about his sleep patterns, he asked me how long he sleeps at night. I told him he sleeps on the average about 7 hours at night, then the doctor told me "That's the trade off". So I spend the days entertaining my son or shall I say he entertains me. But today, Patrick decided to take an 1 hour and 45 minutes nap. Wow! I was so pleased. I took advantage of he time and showered for the day, eat, washed his bottles, cleaned the kitchen, and washed some laundry. It's hard to get things done during the day, but the entire time he was sleeping, I was on my feet. Then when I sat down, I heard a little whimpering on the baby monitor. He was telling his mommy it was time to play again.

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