Monday, January 14, 2008

January 11

Teething Sucks

That's right, Patrick is teething. This explains why he has been waking up so frequent in the middle of the night and why his momma has been dragging every morning. I noticed he was drooling, but it wasn't until Aunt Jamie come over for a visit on Thursday night and pointed out that his bottom tooth was coming in. Patrick has been whiny because his mouth hurts. He's been getting mad at his favorite chew toy, "Chewy", because he bites down on it and then clunks himself in the head. All day he just wanted momma to hold him. So, I would hold him, change his diaper, rock him and do anything a mother can do to console her son. He's hurting and there isn't much I can do to help him except love him. To ease some of his pain, I gave him a bath after a helpful snack of rice cereal. This definitely helped relax him. In the evening, we had to bring out the baby Tylenol and kept track of the dosages. Mommy & Daddy sure don't like the teething process. We don't like seeing our little boy get so upset and cry with real tears. It breaks our hearts. :(

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