Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29

All Boy
Daddy is feeling better and headed back to work. Whew! It's rough when anyone is sick. I'll be glad with this weather passes and spring is here. There are too many days of having warm days and then a winter mix. This has definitely been an unusual winter. I try and keep Patrick out of the cold weather as much as possible. I'd rather stay home with him so that he doesn't get sick. Unfortunately I am feeling sick. I hope this passes quickly.

Patrick is All BOY! Today he decided to make fart noises on my arm. I had him in the football hold and he started sucking on my arm and made fart noises over and over and over. Oh great, he's already learned that fart noises are funny. He also puts up a fight when I try to clean his nose. Any time I wipe his face, he turns his head and screams. Where did this come from? It's like he knows it's happening and he immediately gets into position for the attack. I can't stand having his nose runny or full of "boogies". Thank goodness we have the burger sucker.

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