Monday, January 21, 2008

January 21

Momma is NOT a Teether
If you don't want to read about my boobs, skip this post. :)

My breastfeeding challenges continue. Let me whine for just a moment. I promise it won't be long. So, I had a low supply of breast milk, yada, yada, yada. And I struggled with coming to terms that my baby wouldn't have the great benefits with breastmilk. How much would I really produce? But then, I was surprised that my baby weighs so much! I was breastfeeding Patrick about 80% of the time with my breast milk and only supplementing very little. And Patrick weighed in the 75-95 percentile. Wow, my boobies made my son grow and grow and grow.

Then, he wouldn't sleep and after talking to his pediatrician, we realized he was still hungry. So, I had to increase the formula. This wasn't a hard thing for me to do because I want what is best for my child and if he is hungry, then I'm going to feed him what ever I can. But the hard part was knowing the benefits of breastfeed babies and I didn't want my son to be denied all the rich bennies. So what does a mother do?

After the shock of reality sets in, you just pull yourself up and thank God for having the breastfeeding experience and the beautiful bond associated with nursing. So, I continue to give Patrick what I can and I pump along the way. But this morning was definitely a unique experience. I began nursing Patrick when I felt these little *sharp* teeth. Ouch! What was that? Oh my gosh, my baby has teeth and it hurts. So mommy tells the little one to stop biting her. Now, maybe this would work on a one year old, but a 5 month old continues to play and then bites. OUCH! And then he looks at me and smiles. I think I also surprised him with I screamed. But it didn't phase him because he continued to bite. So, mommy had to put away the goods and thought to herself that this could be the last time that I attempt nursing. Thank goodness they invented the pump!

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