Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7

Woke up at 6 a.m. It feels really early. Eat, pooped, napped, woke up, eat, pooped, played, catnap, played, eat, tried to sleep, played, crashed. Whew! A little break. Routine.

Every time, I put sweet boy to sleep in his crib, I whisper to Patrick, "Mommy loves you Patrick". Even if I leave the room and realize I didn't whisper to him, I go back into this room and then blow him a kiss and then whisper in his ear. Routine.

When Patrick sleeps, he makes noises trying to fall to sleep, hits my boobs right before he sleeps, then snores. He sucks air when he sleeps and I take the bottle out of his mouth. Routine.

Daddy came home early. He's not feeling well. Oh, my gosh! He decided to rest instead of going out tonight. Great idea! NOT Routine!

Momma tries to take naps, but there is too many things to do while Patrick is napping. Even when I'm tired, I have to get things done. My only playtime is trying to blog and record our lives together, but even that is becoming harder to do. Sorry, bloggers...being a mom comes first. Don't give up on me...Trying to establish a routine for myself.

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