Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16

Worried Mommy
You know your a first time mommy when you call the doctor because you notice this bump on your son’s chest. Immediately, you think something is wrong with your child. So, you call the pediatrician’s office and let them know that when you were giving your child a bath, you noticed a bump on his chest. Then when you put on lotion, it seemed more defined. So, even though, next week you have a 9 month wellness visit, you go ahead and take your son into the doctor.

The doctor looks at your son, feels his chest and says, “Are you talking about this bump”? “Yes, doctor”. “Oh, that’s just a part of his sternum”. Oopsie!

We love Dr. Blum and he told me to come in, not matter what. He’d rather look at something that I’m worried about, then to let something happen to Patrick. So, he gave me a big hug and a kiss and told me I was doing a great job! I love Dr. Blum. His patient care is the best!

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