Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18 - Eight Months

Month Eight
Just when Patrick was making progress with getting up on his hands and knees, he got sick. It lasted for about two weeks and was so horrible! My little ray of sunshine didn't feel like smiling and wanted his tummy to stop hurting. This was so hard on his mommy & daddy. Finally, Mr. Personality was back.

Here is how the month went:

Nicknames we have used: BoBo, Bubbie, Monkey-Boy, Bubbers

Most persistent habit: Doing raspberries while he has a mouth full of food

Kiddo likes: toys, lots & lots of toys, music, books, spinning in his exersaucer, sitting up on his own, dropping his toys and biting on his crib.

BoBo dislikes: Being left in a room by himself, being sick, and having a dirty diaper.

Favorite Book: Cloth books, taggie book and a Peek-A-Boo book.

Favorite Nursery Rhyme: Itsy Bitsy Spider

Places I went: After being sick for two weeks, Mommy didn't take BoBo out. She needed him to get better.

Favorite moment: watching Patrick wrinkle his face after trying new foods.

Mommy’s favorite moment: Seeing my sons personality come back after being sick for soooo long. It's great to have Mr. Sunshine back. I had a new mommy discovery....overnight diapers!

Highlight: Having so many friends & family telling me I have a cute son.

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