Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27

There Is A Reason We Call Him "Tank"

Patrick Andrew smiling
Time is flying and my baby is getting BIG. For all my friends that told me Patrick would slow down in size once he starts crawling, well...I'm still waiting. I took Patrick to see Dr. Blum for his 9 month check up. It's always a treat to see our pediatrician. His parent care is the best and he just loves to play with Patrick. Today, I was a little nervous because it was another shot day. I was a little apprehensive since he cried at his six month shots. So in walks the nurse to do the preliminary "stuff". But the most important thing she is going to do today is weigh Patrick. Drum roll please..........In this corner, weighing 28 lbs 1 oz., Patrick "The Tank" Rickman. Wowza! He is getting so big and long. He measured 30 1/4 inches.

Dr. Blum walks in and reassures me that he is doing great! As usual, we go over my list of items to discuss. The issue that I am concerned with is Patrick's inability to sleep through the night. I told the doctor that he is waking up more than when he was a newborn. Then he tells me that parents are "lucky" if they get any sleep before their child begins eating solid foods. He told me not to worry, that things would be changing soon. Then he told me to give him his bottle and then put him in his crib. I'm thinking to myself, "What! Let him cry it out. Oh, no." Looks like Greg and I will need to talk about this. Another issue was allergy testing for foods. The big question is, "Will Patrick have the peanut/shell fish allergy like his father"? We'll know when we take him to lab to get his blood drawn. His check up was great and we ended the appointment with the dreaded shot. The nurse prepared the shot and then BAM, in goes the needle and Patrick just looks at her like, "What are you doing"? Whew! No tears...not even from mama. Sweet! My big boy didn't cry. Maybe there is something to him having chunky thighs!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Save the Date

Please put this date on your calendar. Patrick’s first birthday celebration will be August 2, 2008. I’m working on the details, but Uncle Mike said he’d dress up like a clown and collect “2 tickets for the pony ride”. I can’t believe how fast the year is going and my little baby is now a big boy.

Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23

Trip to Visit Great Grandma Grace
On Memorial Day weekend, we went to Iowa to visit Great Grandma Grace. We didn't know at the time, but most of Greg's extended family was going to be there over the weekend. Patrick was able to play with so many cousins and we were able to spend time with Grandma Grace. It was such a special treat to have Grandma hold Patrick; especially since he's tipping the weight scale. But Grandma was able to hold little man and we took several pictures.

Patrick with Great Grandma Grace

Patrick with Great Grandma Grace

Patrick did well during the traveling time. We took our time and pulled over for diaper changes and feedings. Sometimes, we just stopped to make sure Patrick stretched and wasn't in the car seat for too long. Although it made the traveling longer, it was worth the extra stretch.

The family

Patrick with Great Grandma, Grandparents, and Parents

We took so many family pictures, but here are a few from the trip. Patrick was crawling all over the place. He also had an opportunity to play with his cousin Lauren.

Crawling all over the place

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May 20

Happy Anniversary

I Love You For Sentimental Reasons

~Nat King Cole

I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I’ll give you my heart

I love you
And you alone were meant for me
Please give your loving heart to me
And say we’ll never part

I think of you every morning
Dream of you every night
Darling I’m never lonely
Whenever you’re in sight

I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I’ve given you my heart

I think of you every morning
Dream of you every night
Darling I’m never lonely
Whenever you’re in sight

I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I’ve given you my heart

Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19

Family Time
Today we went to Kaitlynn’s graduation from kindergarten. She was a little ham as she smiled for the camera and sang her little heart out. It was too cute! There was a little boy in the group that made me want to take over as a parent. Not for bad behavior, but for having a boogie near his lip. It was so gross! I wanted to go clean his nose. What do I have to look forward to when Patrick brings me a handful of worms. Yuck!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Patrick’s Update - 9 Months

After being so sick last month, our little boy bounced back. He started crawling and just took off and loves to pull himself up. He also has teeth...8 total and loves to bite his crib. His hair is growing more and he's gaining the weight he lost last month back. He's an eater...all kinds of food. I try and give him as much homemade food that I can make, but we also use jar food when we go out. He loves mash potatoes, mango, and banana's. He loves to smile and wave to people. He's our little social butterfly.

Here is how the month went:

Date of Birth: 8/18/07

Child’s Full Name: Patrick Andrew Rickman

Current Nicknames: Tank, Bubbie, Patacake, Lug

Proud Parents: Julie & Greg Rickman

Eyes: Light Brown

Hair: Light Brown with Blond highlights

Feature’s most like mom: Eye’s

Feature’s most like dad: Big Feet

Burps - More like Dad

Passes Gas - More like Dad

Cries - More like Mom

Smiles when: He see's his Mommy, Daddy, Mia, Elvis, and Priscilla

Favorite Toy: Jumperoo, Musical toys-he love's to dance

Favorite Song: Patty Cake or the song I made up called Bubbicito

Favorite Book: Peek-a-Boo book

Games we play with Baby: Patty Cake, Peek-a-boo, Itsy Bitsy Spider, This Little Piggie, How Big is Patrick....So BIG

Games baby plays with us: “Hey, you change my diaper” , “Give me my bottle NOW”, flirting with weirdos in public

Baby Crawls: like a wind up toy

Most disgusting thing to-date baby has tried to put in mouth: Mommy's flip-flop

Security object includes: Mommy, blanket, bottle, Ellie the Elephant

Funniest thing baby does dances to any kind of music. It can be on the radio, the television, toys, person singing at church, mommy singing, bagpipes playing.

Patrick sleeping in the minivan

Patrick sleeping in the minivan

May 18

Lesson In Life

On a gorgeous Sunday after, we went to Baker University to give support to my cousin Timmy's graduation. I'm an alumni and love the traditional last walk across campus to the sounds of the bagpipes playing as the graduates walk into commencement. It's such a beautiful sound to go along with a milestone event. The keynote speaker was Michael J. Nolte, the author of “Burned But Not Broken”. He had the entire audience's attention with his moving speech. Five years ago, he was trapped in a burning car and was severely burned. It took years of rehabilitation before life returned to near normal. His speech left a lasting impression on me; especially when he talked about not wanting to get out of bed. He said, If you can get out of bed by yourself, suck it up, it’s going to be a good day".

I hope to teach Patrick some lessons in life that will leave a lasting impression. My cousin Tim, set the standard for his generation in our family. He's the first grandchild that not only graduated with a college degree, but he wants to go to medical school. Good luck Timmy! You are teaching many lessons for your cousins. We are so proud of you.

Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16

Picnic At The Soccer Field
Today, we went in the hot sun to watch Andrew play soccer. It was hot! I tried to keep Patrick’s hat on him, but he wasn’t interested in wearing it. To much of my disappointment, I think the “Patrick Hat Show” might be over. We had to put son block all over his body so he wouldn’t get a sunburn. I hope he get’s mommy’s skin tone because if he get’s daddy’s, he’ll be a lobster. Since it was around lunch time, we grabbed some turkey wraps and had a little picnic at the soccer field. It was fun, but it sure is beginning to get hot fast.

May 16

Worried Mommy
You know your a first time mommy when you call the doctor because you notice this bump on your son’s chest. Immediately, you think something is wrong with your child. So, you call the pediatrician’s office and let them know that when you were giving your child a bath, you noticed a bump on his chest. Then when you put on lotion, it seemed more defined. So, even though, next week you have a 9 month wellness visit, you go ahead and take your son into the doctor.

The doctor looks at your son, feels his chest and says, “Are you talking about this bump”? “Yes, doctor”. “Oh, that’s just a part of his sternum”. Oopsie!

We love Dr. Blum and he told me to come in, not matter what. He’d rather look at something that I’m worried about, then to let something happen to Patrick. So, he gave me a big hug and a kiss and told me I was doing a great job! I love Dr. Blum. His patient care is the best!

Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12

Best Mother's Day
had the best Mother's Day ever. We didn't plan anything, but Greg did whatever I wanted. It was just so relaxing and fun. We mainly spent time together as a family. A lady in Williams Sonoma overheard me telling my sister what a wonderful Mother's Day I had and she said that was so sweet. Greg brought me flowers, a spa treatment and yummy lotion from Mario Tricoci.

On Sunday, we began our day at church, then headed over to my sister's house. She was treating all the mother's in my family to
a delicious brunch. There were waffles, strawberries, cream, and croissants that melted in your mouth. Yummo! I was treated like a princess.

Here is a song that sums up how I feel about being Patrick's mommy:

You Are The Sunshine Of My Life

~Stevie Wonder

You are the sunshine of my life
That's why I'll always be around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart

I feel like this is the beginning
'though I've loved you for a million years
And if I thought our love was ending
I'd find myself drowning in my own tears
Whoa whoa

You are the sunshine of my life
That's why I'll always stay around
You are the apple of my eye
Forever you'll stay in my heart

You must have known that I was lonely
Because you came to my rescue
And I know that this must be heaven
How could so much love be inside of you

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 11 - Mommy Loves You Patrick

Dear Patrick,

Today I celebrated my first Mother's Day as being your mommy. When I first met daddy, I knew he was special. I instantly knew that I wanted to spend my life with him and raise a family. We love each other so much that it was only natural to extend our love and have a beautiful baby.

Growing up, I had the best example of motherhood right in front of my own eyes. Your Mia provided the best care a mother could give her children. She taught me unconditional love. She made it look so easy and I've admire her dedication towards her children. She has shown me how to be the best mother I could be. I hope that I can create a loving environment where our family stays close.

On the day I found out I was pregnant, my life changed. I cried when the nurse showed me your picture of the sonogram. You were beautiful. Then I saw pictures of your 3-D sonogram and I couldn't believe I could see my gorgeous baby boy. I loved being pregnant with you. I enjoyed every kick and hiccup and I loved going swimming with you. The very first time I held you was such an incredible moment. I loved smelling you and holding your "tiny" hands. You just sank into my chest and I felt the most incredible feeling my heart has ever felt.

Each day I get to watch you discover the world through your eyes which is so innocent and pure. My heart melts each time you give me hug or a kiss or a big huge smile. You have been such a delight and bring so much joy to my life. I love you Patrick Andrew! Thank you for being such a wonderful son.

Hugs & Kisses,


Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 3

First Date

Dear Chloe,

I really had a great time at Deanna Rose petting zoo. I enjoyed sharing my sweet potato puffs with you. I think you are very pretty. Maybe our mommies will let us play again soon.


Patrick Andrew

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 1

Baby Chase
I was sent an email to pray for Baby Chase who is only 6 months old. He was born with only one bone on the top of his skull instead of two and he was having surgery. While I was reading the email, tears rolled down my face. I wiped away the tears and just sobbed for this little boy that I didn't know. Then I went over to pick up Patrick Andrew and held him tight. Chase is only two months younger than my sweet boy. I just couldn't get this baby out of my mind. So, of course, I kept him in my prayers, but I had this need to do something for his family.

I received emails about the surgery and even had pictures of the days that followed his surgery. This little boy is adorable. I can't imagine how parents handle their baby having surgery. So, I continued to think about this family until finally, I decided that I would make them dinner. That's the least I could do. Baby Chase's mother didn't have to worry about what to make for dinner for one night. I asked Mia to help me and we made a delicious Italian dinner along with some yummy chocolate chip cookies.

When I went to deliver the food, I met Chase's father Matt. He shared several pictures with me after the surgery and told me about his progress each day. He said that he was sitting up again and even showing signs of crawling. I still get email updates of this sweet little boy. This family has made a significant difference in my life; especially being a new mother and knowing what really matters in life. So, before you go to bed tonight, think about Chase and say a little prayer that he continues to grow strong.