Saturday, March 29, 2008
March 29
Today was another gathering with our couple friends; Greek Style. As part of our N.A.N.O. (Need A Night Out) group, Greg and I joined our friends for another monthly activity. This time, it was movie and a dinner for the parents.
I sent my husband to watch the movie without me because all morning I was trying on my matron of honor dress for my sister's wedding. Boy was I amazed at how I looked in my dress; especially after having a baby. I thought I looked beautiful. Now, I'm not being conceded, I just felt pretty because I was all dressed up. Rarely do I wear makeup, yet get all dressed fancy in a formal gown. So, I'm relishing in myself discovery. "You Look Marvelous"! After spending so much time on wedding planning, I wanted some one-on-one time with my baby. So I spent a couple of hours with my sweet boy before, mommy went out and had some fun.
Finally, the evening arrived and I joined our couple groups at a greek restaurant. We had a blast! Opa! Belly Dancers! Plate Throwing! What else could I ask for? Perhaps an exciting evening of talking to other first time parents about our experiences, our children, our lives. We have one of the best circle of friends and I feel fortunate to have them in our life. Cheers!
Friday, March 28, 2008
March 28
Rise and shine, it's an early start today. Patrick is all dressed up. Looks cute as a button. Today we went to celebrate with Aunt Jamie at her bridal shower at her work. It was so nice for them to throw her a shower. They went all out and it was gorgeous. I feared that Patrick would 1) throw up carrots on his cute outfit, 2) poop at the wrong time, or 3) be cranky during the entire party. But guess what? None of it happened. My sweet boy was WONDERFUL! The little social butterfly just played and smiled at all the ladies. They just slurped him up and then all wanted to hold him. When Patrick was very little, I took him a couple of times to see Aunt Jamie at work. All the ladies thought he was adorable and couldn't believe how much he grew. He put on the charm as usual.
March 27
I heard about a baby sale happening at the race track. It's an odd place to sell baby items, but Greg and I decided to check it out. The sale began tonight and was open to first time mom's. Very cool! We were able to pick up several toys and clothes at a very reasonable price. And the best part was that we were in the center of the race track. The only problem...we were driving a minivan. :)
March 23
It's Patrick's first Easter celebration. I wanted to dress him in a cute Easter outfit that said, "Baby's First Easter", but with Big Boy's size, I couldn't find any outfit in a size 18 month. So, I settled for dressing him really cute in a special outfit. We gathered at my brother's house and had a wonderful time spending with family. Life is good!
March 22
Patrick is going to his friend's birthday party. It's Jack's 2nd birthday. We had so much fun as a family to take our son to social with other babies. Patrick was the youngest, but that didn't stop him from trying to play with all the kids. Of course he didn't get to eat the cake and ice cream, but he did get watch Jack open all his presents. We had a blast! We look forward to other parties; especially once Patrick interacts with all his friends.
Tonight we decided to go to the Easter Vigil candle lighting service. I thought this would be much fun for Patrick to see the lights out and the parishioners hold candles. Mia and I took Andrew, Kaitlynn, and Patrick. Well, you want to know what happens when all the lights are turned out and it's really dark...You have three kids falling asleep. First, Andrew was getting tired and he fell asleep, then Kaitlynn was leaning closer and closer to Mia. And finally, Patrick began rubbing his eyes. We had already been at church for 1 1/2 hours and we just finished all the readings. And the church was crowded. So, we decided it was time to go and put the sleepy kids to bed. Good night!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
March 20
So maybe I'm a little eager. Patrick has two teeth, so why not try teething biscuits. Today, I tried to give him one that I bought at Whole Foods. It has maple flavoring...yummo. He immediately grabbed it and put it in his mouth. Then he made the funniest faces. After trying a several times, mommy decided he's not quite ready to have a teething biscuit. Soon, he'll be chompping them down.
March 19
I saw a new baby food item that I wanted Patrick to try. It's called Baby Mum Mum. They are rice husks and apparently babies love them. When I went to the store, they were very hard to find, so I guess babies love to eat them. So, I tried them out on Patrick. I first broke them up into little pieces and then soaked them into some formula. He liked them and said, "Mum Mum". I guess that is how they came up with the name. I might have to wait until he can handle finger foods better, but for now, he likes eating soggy rice husks.
This afternoon we stopped and ate lunch at Panera's. Again, Patrick decided to have a blow out. So, we head to bathroom, praying there is a changing table and with luck, I was able to clean Patrick, change his outfit and then head out the door. The next stop, Whole Foods grocery store. I'm attempting to make my own baby food for Patrick. From my research, I see the benefits of making your own food. Whole Foods carried organic foods, so I thought I'd give it a try. It's going to take a little time for me to make his food, but it will be so worth it. Now, I'm not opposed to jar food; especially when we have outings, but I'll try to give him prepared baby food as much as possible.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
March 18
Another month has gone by. Where does the time go? Month seven has kept us busy with new developments. Big Boy has teeth and loves to eat....EVERYTHING!
Here is how the month went:
Nicknames we have used: BoBo, Bubbie, Little Man, Monster
Most persistent habit: Dropping toys on the floor from his high chair, pulling himself up in his crib, and poops up his back.
Kiddo likes: eating anything, loves music, car rides, listening to mommy read him books, grabbing and tossing his toys anywhere, holding his Fisher Price puppy, jumping in his jumperoo, talking to the dogs, and spending time with family.
Big Boy dislikes: Mommy leaving the room, riding in the minivan by himself, and not a big fan of bananas.
Favorite Book: Sesame Street: Nighty Night Baby Book and Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes Baby Book
Favorite Nursery Rhyme: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes...knees and toes
Places I went: To mommy's hometown and saw so many cousins and great aunts.
Favorite moment: Slobbering all over mommy and giving her big hugs & kisses.
Mommy’s favorite moment: Rocking my sweet boy to sleep and listening to him make noises before he drifts off to sleep. Then Mommy whispers, "I love you Patrick".
Highlight: Watching my son lifting his thunder thighs in the air and reaching for his toes, then sucking on them and say "Yum Yumm Yummm".
Monday, March 17, 2008
March 17
It's our sons special day. Go celebrate! Unfortunately, it's cold and rainy, so we'll miss the parade and just enjoy playing with his new activity center. Lots of fun!
March 16
Aunt Bel & Uncle A fixed us a delicious breakfast before we headed back home. She also gave Patrick a walker activity center and some airplane spoons. I can't wait to play with our new stuff.
Patrick slept the entire way back. I think the weekend wore him out. Daddy was so happy to see us and gave us big hugs and kisses. I truly missed Greg and have a new appreciation for him when we travel. It's hard trying to get everything done by yourself. He knows what I need or will ask me what he can do. Thanks honey!
Patrick played in his crib. I showed Greg how he's been turning himself over. Then, Patrick grabbed the bars and pulled himself up. He stood for three times before he became frustrated. Oh no!
Over the weekend, Patrick learned to sleep on his tummy. This scares me, but I guess he is getting older. I put him in his crib, so daddy would see him turn over from side to side. Then Patrick was cranky, so I rocked him to sleep. As soon as I put him in his crib, he flipped over to his tummy. I guess this is his newest trick.
March 15
Family has gathered for my sister's bridal shower. After waking up, Aunt Jamie gave him a bath in the hot tub before we left for the bridal shower. She also wanted Patrick to look his best, so she bought him a new outfit. Oh, he looks too cute! He received lots of hugs & kisses from my family. He had red cheeks, red forehead, and red head from all the lipstick. Perhaps we'll have to give him another bath.
While family laughed and chatted with one another, Patrick snoozed. He was tired. I'm always amazed how my sweet boy and sleep during the loudest conversations. But when you're tired, you're tired.
Back at the hotel, Aunt Bel and Uncle A played with Patrick. He just laughed at them and was giggling so hard. Then, Aunt Nito played jump jump with him and he bounced and bounced. I thought he wouldn't go sleep because he had been energized. It was a wonderful day spending time with my family. I'm so pleased that Patrick isn't afraid when they want to hold him. Actually, he doesn't hesitate when anyone wants to pick him up. Life is good!
March 14
My aunt is throwing my sister a bridal shower for her upcoming wedding. It's in my hometown and I love to go back and visit. It's about 3 1/2 hour drive and Patrick was a trooper. He did so well in the van. When we arrived at the hotel, we saw Aunt Nito. I finally was able to show my baby to my aunt.
For dinner, the family decided to go to a restaurant. When I tried to put Patrick in the restaurant chair, the belt was broken. My uncle helped me come up with a quick solution, using his belt around his jeans. It worked! Then Patrick began to grunt. Oh, no, not now. And to make matters worse, there wasn't a baby changing table in the restroom. So, we head out to the minivan and changed his blow out. Then we went back inside with a new outfit on as if nothing had happened.
Later that night, my family sipped on chocolate martini's. I'm still not drinking alcohol and the thought of a chocolate martini, didn't sound appetizing. So, I drank my cold water. Yummo! After a little visiting, it was time to go to sleep. Good night Patrick!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
March 13
When I was pregnant and people would ask me if I wanted a boy or girl, I usually responded, "I just wanted a healthy baby". At my age, it is so true. From the beginning of my pregnancy when I was bleeding, I prayed for a healthy baby. And God answered my prayers. I am so thankful and feel very fortunate to have such a great family and a wonderful baby.
I suppose that once you've become a mother, you become aware of life's circumstances. Well, I've met some people that I've been wanting to share their stories, but didn't want to exploit their situations. So here is my best shot at paying a special tribute to people that I think of often.
The Power of Love - When I was pregnant, my brother's neighbor was also pregnant. But during a sonogram visit, the doctor knew something was wrong. Their baby girl was sick and the parents knew she wouldn't survive her birth day.The parents have two little boys. They made their decision to have the baby no matter what. Actually, the birth of the baby girl became a celebration. They contacted Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, an organization for infant bereavement photography. Her pictures are gorgeous. The family gathered around on the birth day and were able to have a special moment as a family. I often think of the parents and how hard it must have been to know they would lose their little girl. She is now an angel in heaven that has touched my soul forever.
Daddy's boy - Recently, I met a lady during business encounters that loves to see Patrick Andrew. She also has a little boy that is older. Slowly, she shared a little of her story. During her pregnancy, her husband was killed in an accident. With the support of her family; especially her sister, she gave birth to her adorable baby boy. She is raising her son by herself and she has shared wonderful stories about her husband and sweet boy. I also have a friend that waited several years to have a baby with her husband. Three weeks before the birth of their son, her husband found out that he had lung cancer. Sadly, he pass away after a couple of months with his son. I think of my friend often and pray that God will give her strength.
These families have truly touched my soul and I think of them often. They are always in my prayers.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
March 12
This weekend, I'm taking Patrick to my hometown, where I grew up. There are a million things that I need to do before we leave. Like an oil Change. So, I scheduled an oil change mid morning, so that I could get there on time and have Mia watch Patrick. I took the Honda as the same place where my sister-in-law's husband works and guess who was there. Uncle Rob. We chatted during the entire oil change. Whew. One thing done....a million more to do.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
March 11
Having a baby and trying to pamper yourself is difficult. Okay, so I don't get the massages, manicures or pedicures very often. But I must control my crazy hair. I always schedule my appointment with Mia. It's like a mother-daughter thing, where we both relax. But now, with's not so relaxing. It's getting harder and harder to settle down Patrick in the salon. Next time, Daddy will need to take care of Patrick. My sweet boy wanted attention all the time. Last time, he came with us and he did super. I guess he is getting older and wants to explore more. This appointment wasn't relaxing, so I'm a little disappointed.
After my little pity party, I turned back into "SuperMom" and played with my son all afternoon. He didn't want to take a nap for mommy. Daddy picks him up and *poof*, Patrick falls right to sleep.
Monday, March 10, 2008
March 10
Last night Patrick went to sleep at 9 p.m. Whew! Finally, he sleeps. Oh, wait. He's up. It's 9:30 p.m. Mama puts him to sleep at 10 p.m. and wait for it....he sleeps until 5 a.m and then goes back to sleep at 6 a.m. and doesn't wake up until 8 a.m. Yippee! I slept 8 hours. Wow! I'm energized. It feels GREAT!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
March 9
Patrick woke up three times last night. Greg and I went to bed at 11 p.m. and Patrick woke up at midnight, 2 a.m. 4 a.m. and finally 6 a.m. We need sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. Oh great, it's daylight savings time. We lose an hour on sleep and we are hoping that our little boy will sleep. Please let Patrick sleep tonight. Mama is having a hard time functioning. Is it teething? Is it a growth spurt? Is he just testing mommy's patience? We'll see.
This evening, after our power shopping at Costco, Aunt Jamie stopped by for a visit with soon-to-be Uncle Mike. We decided to grill steaks. I thought my cravings for beef would disappear after my pregnancy, but I still crave Greg's grilled steak. He is very pleased.
March 8
Every time I want Patrick to have a great night of sleep, he always wakes up several times. Last night was no exception. In fact he has been waking up this entire week. Boy do I long for the day when he is on a constant schedule. He woke up three times last night. I really wanted a sleep because I was going to a baby shower. But Patrick decided to wake up at 5:45 a.m. and I just began my day. He was very cranky and I was worried because Daddy was going to be by himself while I was gone. Patrick must be teething again, because my sweet angel screamed all morning along. I felt like missing the shower since I was worried about my little boy, but Greg insisted that I headed out to have some fun.
The shower was another opportunity to show off baby pictures of Patrick. I just love the reaction from people when they see his picture. Greg and I joke about people's reaction because we get the feeling that people didn't think we would have a gorgeous son. Then we both say, "He takes after me". Any whoo, I shamelessly showed Patrick's pictures and took in all the oooh's and haaa's. I had a fabulous time at the shower. It's a great opportunity to see if there are baby products that I haven't heard about. One lady tie-dyed little Gerber onesies. They were too cute. But after the shower, I headed home to give Big Boy hugs & kisses. I sure did miss him.
Friday, March 7, 2008
March 7
Woke up at 6 a.m. It feels really early. Eat, pooped, napped, woke up, eat, pooped, played, catnap, played, eat, tried to sleep, played, crashed. Whew! A little break. Routine.
Every time, I put sweet boy to sleep in his crib, I whisper to Patrick, "Mommy loves you Patrick". Even if I leave the room and realize I didn't whisper to him, I go back into this room and then blow him a kiss and then whisper in his ear. Routine.
When Patrick sleeps, he makes noises trying to fall to sleep, hits my boobs right before he sleeps, then snores. He sucks air when he sleeps and I take the bottle out of his mouth. Routine.
Daddy came home early. He's not feeling well. Oh, my gosh! He decided to rest instead of going out tonight. Great idea! NOT Routine!
Momma tries to take naps, but there is too many things to do while Patrick is napping. Even when I'm tired, I have to get things done. My only playtime is trying to blog and record our lives together, but even that is becoming harder to do. Sorry, bloggers...being a mom comes first. Don't give up on me...Trying to establish a routine for myself.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
March 6
I love playing with my son. I get all his toys out and toss them on the floor. He gets his basket of toys and pulls all the toys that I left in the bucket. His favorite toy is his Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Puppy. He loves to play with the puppy. Patrick also enjoys his books. He loves the rhymes and loves to eat the board books. I'm still amazed to watch him discover new adventures. He's so curious at sounds, lights, and objects. His brain is soaking it all in and I so pleased.
March 5
Patrick loves playing with his toys. When he's in his high chair, I'll put some toys on the tray and he begins to play with his blocks. Then, one by one, he starts dropping them and watching them fall to the floor. If I don't pick them up, he's learned that if he screams, I'll come over and clean them and then give them to him. He also loves to play on the floor. I am trying hard at having him sit up. Since he is on the large size, it's been a challenge to have him sit without falling over, but lately he's doing a great job. I guess it's time to call our photographer for his next round of pictures.
March 4
I thought I would buy the book, "Everybody Poops", when Patrick was going through potty training. For the last several days after Patrick eats his food, (mainly sweet potatoes and squash), he's been pooping in his high chair. Well it took me three days to figure out that when he is pooping in his high chair, maybe I should take him out. With his bottom on the high chair, where would the poop go? That's right, it has been going straight up his back. The first time this happened, I thought "Oh, No". Then scooped up "Monster Baby" and cleaned him up. But after three days in a row, and holding him to clean his back, I've decided to immediately lay him down. This will help the poop to stay in his diaper. Greg's parents love to tell the story of Greg's poopie experience when they were in a restaurant. Thank goodness we have been home when this happened.
March 3
Today we went to check on Uncle Mark. He is feeling better, but he is weak. So Mia, made him some homemade chicken and noodle soup. Yummo!
I can't wait to give Patrick this soup. Carrots, celery, chicken and noodles. Oh, it is so tasty; especially since we've been having cold weather. It's hard to dress Patrick because he gets so hot. His cute Winnie-the-Pooh hat is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Monster baby continues to grow. He gets upset when he gets hot in the van. He let's out this little whine and then a raspberry without opening his mouth. He has a little shower of spit all over his face with his big puffy rosy cheeks.
So the weather is beginning to get to me. It's cold. Very cold. I want to start taking Patrick outside to play in parks, but it's too cold. I'm ready to put him in a swing at a park with the wind slightly blowing. When will the warm weather get here.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
March 2
Patrick played with his cousins. They love spending time together. The dogs react, the rowdier, they get. Patrick loves the interaction. And he loves Elvis. He smiles every time, Elvis comes by him. He shrieks, so loud and then drools from all the excitement.
Patrick is making attempts to roll over. He eats his toes and just sucks on them all afternoon. I've noticed that he doesn't like it when other people are eating food. He wants to eat too. My heart just melts when he lets me smother him with hugs and kisses. Then he grabs my face closer to his and slobbers all over my face. Priceless.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
March 1
The big day for the Couple Shower is finally here. Patrick played with grandma and grandpa, but wouldn't take a nap. Oh, no! Is he going to be cranky? Not, my social butter fly. He loves to be around people, but it does throw off his sleeping schedule. He loved Aunt Jamie's party and wanted to be a night owl. Once everyone left the party, my sweet boy was exhausted and fell asleep in my arms.
My nephew was going to spend the night, but when my niece found out, she began to cry. She came up to me, with big crocodile tears falling from her face and asked, "Aunt Julie, *sniff* *sniff*, Can I come spend the night with you? What is an aunt to do, but comfort her and say, "Of course, Kaitlynn". I want Patrick to know his cousins and it must begin when they are young. Family is so important to me. All the kids fell asleep in the van. Greg carried them inside the house, one by one and all stayed asleep.
February 29
It's leap year and that means we have an extra day of play time. After playing all morning, we went with Mia to PT. I dressed Patrick in his puppy hat and dog shoes. I love dressing him up. Boy is this outfit an attention getter. I always hear so many comments about how cute he looks. But then, it began to warm up. Actually it's hot! I had to change Patrick into a onesie because he gets so hot. What will summer be like? And on this hot day, I had to make two cakes for the weekend. They turned out perfect.
An update on my brother: He still is sick. He's not getting better. My sister, Nurse Rachett, will be calling the doctor. He's getting worse instead of better. What is going on?
February 28
Patrick slept from 9:30 to 6 a.m. All night, without waking up. Maybe we are on to something.
Rise and shine! First thing we did was go try to get things ready for the part at Aunt Jamie's. Patrick loves riding in the minivan; especially when the semi's pass us. He looks out the windows and is very content during the rides. Some times, the crazy drivers scare me. Your surrounds sure change when you have a baby. I realize how horrible people drive. Run red lights, cut people off, drive too close. Wow! Was I really not that observant before Patrick. People slow down....what's the rush! Fially, we arrive at Aunt Jamie's. I gave Patrick a bath in her sick. He loves it. Then he was so tired, he took a 3 hour nap. I needed the time to prepare for the party. I shouldn't try and to do too much, but this is my sister's wedding that we are getting ready for and I'm hosting this Couple Shower. Thanks Patrick, for giving Mama a break and taking a long nap. I was able to get so much done.
Patrick slept from 9:30 to 6 a.m. Didn't wake up.
February 27
We checked in on Uncle Mark and he has been sleeping. He needs sleep. He still isn't feeling well. He is really sick! I've never seen my brother like this and it's scary.
I headed over to my sister's to get ready for the Couple's wedding shower on Saturday. Patrick ate in his bumbo on the kitchen counter. Don't worry, it's a big counter and he wasn't going to fall. Then I changed him into his jammies and he fell asleep. Greg and I left to go home and Patrick stayed asleep when we put him in his crib. He slept from 9:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. YES! We needed sleep.
February 26
I was tired and just put Patrick to sleep. I could hardly wait to crawl into bed, but then Greg stopped me and said, something is wrong with your brother Mark. You need to talk to Mia. I rushed to my mother and she said that the ambulance had gone to my brother's house. Tammy was on her way to the emergency room. What is going on? Mark had been sick with flu like symptoms, but began to shake with the chills. He had a 104 degree temperature.
At the emergency room, they were providing face masks to prevent the spread of "cooties". I saw my brother, but didn't recognize him. He had layers of clothes and blankets around his body. When the doctor saw him, he told him he had the nasty flu that was going around, but a very bad case of it and then sent him home.
When I arrived home, Greg was still up with Patrick. I was tired! It was already 12:30 a.m. I finally put Patrick to sleep about 1 a.m., pumped and then tried to get some zzz's myself, but I kept thinking about my brother. When will I ever get a good nights rest?