Monday, February 25, 2008

February 25


Yellow Labrador & Jack Russell Terrier Mix

Lab -100 lbs adorable, happy, friendly dog. Responds to "Dumb Shit. Loves to lick babies toes and hands. Enjoys pooping on cute airplane rug in nursery and ruining it.

Jack Russell Terrier Mix - 30 lbs neurotic dog, loves to bark at dishwasher and wake up baby. Loves to play with the lab and bark at him while waking up the baby.

We love Elvis & Priscilla, but some days....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 24

My Little Helper
While Patrick was sitting up in his crib, Kaitlynn decided to join him in his crib. She is so tiny and just climbed on board. Patrick loves playing with her and they actually "play nice" together. Kaitlynn loves to play like a mom and she is really good at taking care of Patrick. She dressed Patrick for the day, helped fed him and did chores to help Aunt Julie. She loved cleaning Patrick's toys after he dropped them one by one on the floor. She went around the house to fill up the formula containers, making sure she had just enough scoops in each one. My niece makes me want to have a baby girl for our next child, but the most important thing would be to have a healthy baby. Greg loves being around Kaitlynn. They definitely have a wonderful bond and she loves her Uncle Greggy.

Being Patrick's parents has been the best! He is such a sweet baby, kind and gentle. It will be great to give him a sibling when the time is right. So, don't read anything into this posting. We just love our niece and love watching her take care of beautiful Patrick.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

February 23

Nano Nano
Today was the first N.A.N.O (Need A Night Out) with my mommy group. We met for lunch at Panera's and shared pictures of babies. Oh, it was so much fun to be around the girls. We laughed and talked and had so much fun. Then we went to see a chick flick, "Fools Gold", with the luscious Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson. It was such a relaxing day and I enjoyed every moment, but I missed my little boy. He was asleep before I left and just went down for a nap when I arrived home. It seemed like the longest time until I could hold my beautiful son. When he woke up, he flashed those brown eyes at his momma. I think this outing was the longest that I've been away from my son.

In the evening, my niece Kaitlynn wanted to come over to her Aunt Julie's house. So, of course I said "Yes". She had a blast taking care of Patrick. She fed him and made the comment that "Patrick is in love with his food". You bet he is. He loves to eat and makes all kinds of noises when he opens his mouth wide and tastes the delicious food. So far, he likes all the vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and green beans) except peas. He'll eat them, but you can tell they are not his favorite by the way he wrinkles up his nose.

Momma is exhausted! It was a long day for me but I couldn't wait to grab my son and put him to sleep. I love rocking him to sleep because it's a special time for the two of us. We read a book, play, and then listen to music. He pats my face and give him gentle kisses on his hands and then I squeeze him tight. It's going to be hard to get him to go to sleep on his own. I think I'll do some research on this to help make the transition smoother. I suppose I'm not going to be able to just put my son down in his crib and he magically goes to sleep on his own with out a fuss. Haha! Any advice from mother's out there is greatly appreciated. Suggestions Please!

February 22

Elvis Has Left the Building
It's a cold and snowy day this morning. I decided to add a few more things to the recycling bins for pick up. Big Mistake! My 100 lb lab, Elvis decided to bolt out the front door. He was having so much fun. Then he decided to take a little adventure and went next door to visit Sarah's house. I called for the beast to come back and he looked at me and went "Woof" as he headed towards Susan's house. I kept yelling at the "Dumb Sh*t Dog" to come back and he kept going down the neighborhood. Luckily Mia was inside and Patrick was sleeping. Before I went outside, I decided to put on my fleece and tennis shoes, but I wasn't ready for the day. Elvis was going to far, so I had to get in my van and go down the street. Thank goodness my neighbors helped me out. Titus, the big dog in the neighborhood was outside playing with his daddy, Kent. Elvis went up to him and began to play. Whew! I was able to get the beast and put him in the van. One of these days Elvis!

In the afternoon, I ran a couple of errands and one was at the bank. This crazy lady noticed Patrick and decided to come and talk to us. Now normally I don't care, but this lady seemed a little know a little nutty nuts. I was polite, but didn't want to spend too much time with her. She was telling me about her grandchildren and then went off on a tangent about no one would be able to take her grandchildren way from her. That was my cue to leave. Sometimes it's best to to politely leave.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

February 21

Reach for the Stars.
It's time to put the swing away. Patrick is reaching for the mobile and is leaning forward and pulling on it. He is reaching for anything in arm's distance. Some times, he'll scream if he can't reach objects. I've been putting his toys on his blanket and he managed to reach and grab all of them. It's amazing how he can get things that are out of his reach. He's quick.

Daddy went out and bought a new computer. It was a complete surprise; especially since he bought a Mac. We love it! I want to redesign our baby blog and do fun things with our photo's and film. The Mac will give us so much more flexibility. Now if I only had the time.

We watched a little bit of "American Idol". Greg and I love to sing, so we love to watch the contestants. I'm the one that usually records the show and if we have time, we'll watch it. Greg won't admit to it, but I don't have a problem saying I like the show. I don't like it when the contestants are bad, but when they are talented, oh wow, do I love to listen to the music. So there was a guy that sang Queen's song, "Bohemian Rhapsody". Oh, did he sound fabulous! All day, I've been singing, "Mama....Ooooo". We'll Patrick picked up on this song and he is trying to sing the "Ooooo" part. It's the cutest thing. He gets this serious look on his face and then screams, "Oo-oo-ooo". I think he'll love singing in the future. I'm always playing different types of music around him. I want him to love music the way Greg and I love music.

Patrick might be teething again. He's been drooling more so I gave him some Tylenol. He goes "Yumm Yumm Yumm", then growls because the sweet tasting cherry flavor is gone and he wants more. I sure hope he doesn't get daddy's sweet tooth.

February 20

Six Month Appointment
Today was Patrick's 6 month appointment. Aunt James decided to go with Greg and I to the doctor. I was happy to have her along because I just hate shot day. I need support on these days. Patrick handles shots well, but I just hate seeing my baby get his shots. We were anxious to see how much "Tank" weighs and how long he's getting. So once the nurse called our name, we quickly ran into the room and began stripping him out of his clothes. Wow! He weighed in at 22.26 lbs. and was 27.56" in length. My boy is growing! His weight is in the 97% and his length is at 87%.

During Dr. Blum's examination, he pulled Patrick's penis and testicles. I must have squinted my eyes because the doctor noticed. I was just a little uncomfortable with how he stretched his penis to examine it. Let's just say the doctor made me blush when he saw my reaction.

Dr. Blum gave us a feeding schedule for Patrick. He'll eat cereal in the morning and evening and work through the vegetables and meats, then introduced the fruits. I told him Patrick was a great eater. He thought Patrick was doing great. The next visit will be 9 months and the doctor wants to draw blood for allergy testing. Greg and I hope he doesn't all the bad allergies and asthma from us. Send positive thoughts our direction.

February 19

Sweet Dreams
My little boy is growing up. He's becoming so big and he has changed from being an infant. But today, I reminisced of our early days when we brought him home. He still has the little cry from when he was born. It's not as strong and loud, but I can still hear the same cry.

I've been rocking Patrick to sleep. The doctor says to begin putting him down in his crib and letting him fall to sleep. I've been working on this for his afternoon naps, but today, I made an exception. I rocked my baby in my arms until he fell asleep. I always put his lullaby music on so hopefully he'll associate music with falling asleep. There are two songs where he usually falls asleep: Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and Canon D. My sister is having instrumental music of these two songs at her wedding. I think Patrick just might fall asleep when he hears these songs at her wedding. This wouldn't be a bad thing. :)

After holding my baby when he falls asleep, I love hearing his wimpers and looking at his lips as he tries to suck air. It's the cutest thing. I always give Patrick a kiss and then whisper in his ear, "Mommy loves you Patrick". It's my routine. Sweet dreams little boy.

February 18

Patrick’s Quarterly Update - 6 Months

Date of Birth: 8/18/07

Child’s Full Name: Patrick Andrew Rickman

Current Nicknames: BoBo, Little Man, Tiny~Tiny, Bubbacito, Sugar

Proud Parents: Julie & Greg Rickman

Eyes: Hazel/Brown

Hair: Brown with Blond highlights

Feature’s most like mom: Eyes

Feature’s most like dad: His size; especially the feet

Burps - More like Dad
Passes Gas - More like Dad
Cries - More like Mom, quiet at first with a few tears, then belts it out

Smiles when: He looks at the dogs

Favorite Toy: Chew toys, books, rings

Favorite Song: Pat-a-Cake

Favorite Book: Green Eggs & Ham

Baby is currently saying: Aaaaaaahhh
We’re not sure, but we think it means: I'm hungry, hurry and feed me!

Favorite New Food: Sweet potatoes and squash

Food Most often spit out or rejected: Peas

Bringing along a bottle allows us to stay at public places longer

Baby Meltdown: 5 minutes

Things we found most enduring about baby twirling his hair when he's sleepy, smiling when somone walks in a room, and being a social butterfly no matter where we go.

February 17

It snowed. Big time. And the wind is sending chills up and down my spine. It's one of our biggest snow storms this winter. Grandma and Grandpa decide to leave this morning. During their recent travels, they have been getting snowed in on several trips, so they decided to leave early to avoid bad weather. I was relieved when Grandpa called to let us know that once they left our house and reached the main highway out of town, the roads were in good condition. Before they left, Grandma Linda was able to feed Patrick cereal. I thrilled that she gets to experience some of the fun we have each day.

In the afternoon, we watched "Bubbie" try to roll over. It's so funny to watch him grab his feet, then toes. He hikes up his thunder thighs and all of a sudden, he is rolling side-to-side. Lately, he's been reaching for his mobile in his crib. I guess we should move it or move the mattress down another level. Perhaps both.

Patrick loves to eat food. He tried Sweet Potatoes. Looks like we have a winner. He kept saying, "YUMMM" and wanted more. It appears I have an excellent eater who doesn't seem picky.

February 16

With Six You Get Eggrolls
Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit and played with Patrick. Mama helped Aunt Jamie work on wedding invitations. It was great to see Bubbie throughout the day which gave us a break from wedding planning. The wedding will be here before we know it and it seems like there are so many things to do. They always happen at the last couple of months before the BIG DAY. We are getting excited.

After our long day, my sister, mother, and Greg' and his parents went out for dinner. We had Chinese food and as we were sitting at the round table, it occurred to me how fortunate we are to have a loving family. Everyone gets along and it was really cool to go out to dinner together. Patrick is surround by lots of love. How cool is that!

February 15

Mama was getting the house ready for grandma and grandpa's visit. Vrooom. I fired up the vacuum cleaning. Oh, Patrick loves when I clean the rugs. He gets real quiet and watched me go up and down the rugs. Then he turns his head towards the dogs as they become scared from the noise. Most of the time, the dogs want to go outside, but some times Elvis, likes to go in another room, but always has to come in for a peek. Patrick shrieks as he sees the dogs. It's quite the scene with so many noises happening at the same time. I am constantly running the vacuum because of the dog hair.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

February 14

Happy Valentine's Day
It's Patrick's first Valentine's Day. He's such a sweetie and just so darn cute. I dressed him like a boy today; overalls and a red t-shirt. Yep, it was warmer today and the wind wasn't blowing in the afternoon. We ventured out to take Mia to her physical therapy. I took the stroller inside and away we went to tour the hospital. As usual, I received comments about his cuteness. Then I got the "ooh's and aaahh's". He fell asleep, chubby rosy cheeks and all. On the way home. He played with his toy "Chewy" and hurt himself. Bonk! Right in the eye. Ouch! Oh, no, baby, don't cry like that. I haven't heard that type of cry since he was born. It broke my heart. I'll see if it leaves a bruise.

Cousin Andrew spent the day with us. The boys played in the afternoon and then Andrew wanted to film Patrick. So, at dinner time, our little Steven Spielberg grabbed the camera and away he filmed. He added his own special commentary that was actually brilliant. Perhaps, he has a future in the entertainment business.

Greg and I celebrated our usual Valentine's Day. Pizza and beer. We started this tradition several years ago when I was tired and not feeling well. I asked Greg if we could stay in and eat pizza and drink some beer and so a tradition was set. When I was out running errands, I brought some beer for Greg and made the phone call to D'Bronx pizza. Yummo. Perfect evening at home. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13

Like Father Like Son
After Patrick's early morning feeding, he was ready to go back to sleep, but it's still early. Greg's alarm hasn't gone off yet, so I put Patrick in between us. I look over and Patrick was sleeping with his right arm under his head and his mouth open. Then I glanced at his daddy and he is in the same position. I see so many similarities between my son and his father. It's quite interesting. Then I see Greg around his own father, both at their laptops...spitting image. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Routine. It happens every day. Kiss Greg goodbye, get up, feed Patrick cereal. Once he is finished, I put several toys on his high chair to play. Then he tries to eat them and slowly, they all fall on the floor. So I wipe them off, put them on the table, then he eats them and they eventually fall again. Same routine, different day. He loves playing and wants to play with all his toys at one time. Some times, he'll put a toy in each hand and then tries to eat both of them. It's okay for a while, then he gets frustrated and let's out this scream. Wow! High pitch noises from such a sweet boy. Where does he get this from? :)

This afternoon, Patrick was cranky. He needed some sleep, but I needed to run some errands. So after several attempts to put Patrick down for a nap, I decided to take Bubbie along for the ride. He wasn't going to go to sleep. As soon as the van started, he became calm. No longer does he get upset when we stop at the stop signs. He just looks around at the cars. He's interested in everyone and everything. It's amazing how much he is taking in.

This evening, he gobbled all of his carrots. It doesn't appear that he'll be a picky eater, but then he's only had rice and carrots. I'm anxious to give him fruit, but I must be patience. What will all this food do to this body? Well, I found out when I changed his diaper. Oh, the smell. I'm not use to this. Carrot poop. Yuck!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12

Give Me Some Kisses
Mia can make Patrick laugh and giggle nonstop. It's the cutest thing. She just looks at him and he begins to laugh. Then, she says, "Give ME some KISSES"! Patrick let's out a giggle and then he is laughing loud. When we try the same thing, he just looks at us. We don't get the same reaction as his Mia. She has the touch.

Carrots. Yummo. Loves them. That's right! Patrick ate carrots for the first time tonight. He loves them and wanted more. His first reaction was , Give me MORE mom! After gobbling down several bites, he decided to sneeze and carrots went every where...on the bib, all over his mouth, on the high chair and on Mommy's clothes. While mommy tried to clean him up, he gave me a raspberry and wanted more food.

One of my favorite things Patrick is doing is pulling me near his face to give me hugs and kisses. He grabs my face and pats it and then tried to eat my face. He is recognizing his mommy and daddy. He knows our voice and will turn his head when he hears us coming. Patrick has been having fun with the dogs. He loves Elvis and tried to carry on a conversation with him. Elvis puts up with him because he thinks he'll get food. I can't wait until Elvis eats his Cheerios. And then there is Priscilla. She loves her boy. Lately, she's been getting a few licks to his hands, so I'm constantly cleaning his hands. Of course, my boy doesn't like getting his hands or face clean. What little boy does?

This afternoon, I was rocking Patrick to sleep, when suddenly, I began tearing up. I'm happy. And I thought about my husband and how wonderful he treats us. He tells us he loves us, he gives us hugs & kisses and he checks on us throughout the day. So, I texted Greg to tell him I loved him and we share an intimate conversation. Later that night, Greg said I caught him off guard and I made him tear up. How sweet! I love my husband.

Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11

Happy Happy Joy Joy
Laughing. Giggling. Playing. That's how Patrick woke up. He's such a happy baby and most mornings this is how he's waking up. Then I hear the sounds of him sucking his fingers. They must taste great because all I hear is smack, smack, yum, yum. When I make eye contact with him, he gives me the biggest smile, followed by a raspberry.

As the days go by, my love for my son grows deeper. I love being his mother. I didn't know it would be like this. I knew that I would have a special bond with my child, but every day my baby surprises me. I tear up just thinking about him and how fortunate I feel to have such a loving child. He's the best!

Mamma's little sidekick is connected at my hip. I don't know when it happened, but it did. He can hear me from another room and he turns his head to find me. Once I pick him up, he pats my face and pulls my head closer to him, then he tires to eat me and ends up slobbering on my face. I just let him have fun and hold him tight and give him kisses. He let's me smoother him with love all over his head, and cheeks, and neck.

Patrick and I have really developed our routine. No longer do I have days where I don't shower until the late afternoon and pray that Greg doesn't come home early to see me in my nightgown. We have it down. Rise and shine after Greg gets up, off to feed him cereal, pump in the morning and then grab a quick bite to eat while he plays with his toys. Then I shower. I'm amazed at how fast the day goes by and then the next thing I know, Greg is opening the door to come home from work. Wow. Feedings, diaper changes, and playing nonstop makes the days go by quickly. Maybe a few naps for the Big Boy.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

February 10

Lazy Day
Patrick woke up at 2:30 a.m and then 6 a.m. Oh, No! Budda Baby is wide awake and it's Sunday. Daddy managed to play with him with one eye open, but then we felt a puddle in the bed. Yuck! Budda Baby has peed through his diaper and onto the sheets of our bed. I know Huggies diapers are absorbent, but he can really pee in the diapers. I get up and change him and play with him so daddy can sleep. Then around 8 a.m., I rock him back to sleep. I'm still tired so I decide to go back to sleep too. Shazam! I glance at the clock and it says 10:30 a.m. Greg, Patrick, and I slept in. Momma feels refreshed. It felt great! I must have needed the sleep or else the bridal shower yesterday wore me out....probably both.

The rest of the day was a lazy day at home. I love days like this. We did what we wanted, when we wanted. Patrick took several naps today, so I was able to do stuff throughout the whole day. I hope he sleeps tonight. He did sleep more than usual. It must have been the all the squeezes at the bridal shower.

Mia watched Patrick while Greg and I went to Target. It's was very cold outside and I try not to take him out when it's freezing. I don't want him to get sick any more. It's hot one day and then cold the next day. And this winter, well don't let me get started on that tantrum. So we bought a bookcase and hutch for my desk. The first thing I put on my desk was our picture of Patrick and his mommy. I love this picture. Lea sure can capture great pictures.

February 9

Oh Snap!
Why is it that when you want your baby to get a good night sleep, they always wake up several times. Patrick decided to have several parties with mommy throughout the night and the alarm was going to go off at 7 a.m. This is unusual for a Saturday; especially when we try to sleep in. Who are we kidding? We can't sleep in on the weekend when our "little alarm" wants to play with us. And who schedules a bridal shower for their sister in the morning? What was I thinking? We had to be showered, dressed, and ready to leave by 9: 15 a.m. So, since we just happened to be up early, (thanks Patrick), we were heading towards the van at 9:13 a.m. Whew! We are going to be early. Oh snap! We are really early; especially since I can't pick up the cake until 10 a.m. Well, I guess we'll have to get some coffee. Thank goodness Greg is going along for the ride, to help me out with Patrick. The bridal shower begins at 11 a.m. and I'm still in the van at 10:30. My wonderful sister-in-law is co-hosting this event, so that helps take the pressure off of me. Whew! We made it before anyone arrived. But wait, we still have to unpack the van. All this stuff for one baby. Oh, and how could I forget the bridal shower stuff. Why do we always take the entire house for Patrick when we go for an outing, or visit family? And this time, I didn't take everything. Hmmm...I must make a checklist to help make our outings quicker. In my free time, I'll get to it. :)

Some how, I manged to get things done on time. But wait. Where's the blushing bride? Late as usual because she had to make a grand entrance; especially since she had her hair done. So this gave me the opportunity to show Patrick off to all her friends. These are the friends that have given Patrick nicknames like "Chunky Monkey, Pork Chop, and Rump Roast". I don't mind the names because they gushed all over my baby and enjoyed squeezing his thunder thighs. He was passed around until people realized how heavy he can be from holding him. He saw lots of love. Speaking of love. Patrick also met Mike's cousin Tiffany and her 10 month daughter Flora Jane. They played side by side. Patrick was so excited to see another baby. We need more interaction with other children. Any volunteers? Who wants to play with us?

February 8

This Little Piggie Went to the Market
It was a bright and early start today. My sister-in-law called at 8:03 a.m. to let me know that my brother, Mark was sick. She needed someone to watch her son Andrew because he didn't have school. So, I said I would do my morning routine with Patrick and then head out to take my niece to school and bring Andrew home with me. Five minutes later, I receive a phone call from Andrew.

"Aunt Julie"
"Well, my dad is sick and mom said you were going to come get us, but I didn't know if she called".
"Okay, Sugar, I'm heading out the door"
"Okay, Bye".

When I arrived, I asked Andrew how he called me and he said, he just looked on the caller id. Kids are so smart these days. After taking Kaitlynn to school, I helped get ready for the bridal shower that was being hosted at Mark & Tammy's house. While I was there, Patrick was hot. He had little rosy cheeks. I looked in the diaper bag and realized I didn't have anything cooler. I really wasn't planning on staying there, so I wasn't all that prepared. I cruised into Kaitlynn's room to look to see if she had something small enough for Patrick to wear. Sure enough, she had a KU t-shirt. Wow! Patrick could wear her shirt. I know my niece is little, but I didn't realize how big Patrick was getting. I have to admit, the shirt was a little big, but not by much.

In the afternoon, I was playing with Patrick. Finally, he can eat his toes. He's been trying to put his little piggies in his mouth. Then, today, it happened. He started sucking on his toes and kept lifting his legs in the air until his toes went in his mouth.

The dogs love Patrick; especially Elvis, our 100 lb yellow lovable lab. Patrick tries to talk to Elvis. He gets so excited when Elvis comes by and tries to lick him. Of course, I am constantly yelling at Elvis to leave the baby alone. Patrick decided to scream in a high pitch tone and Elvis just looked at him as he tilted his head. I guess it was a little too loud for Elvis.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 7

Soooo BIG
Today we took Mia to her doctor's appointment. It's always get to see her doctor because she just had a baby too. The doctor always has to take a look at Patrick and will visit about what he is doing. While we were there, I noticed a scale and asked the nurses if I could weigh my son. Get ready...with his clothes on , he weighed 22 lbs 12 oz. Yikes! He's our Monster Baby! All the nurses had to come and take a look at the Budda Baby and said, "I can't believe how big he is getting".

Patrick continues to play in his crib and we can just watch him all night. He's trying to get that leg up and over so that he can roll over. He does great tummy time, but he is having a hard time rolling over on his tummy.

February 6

All Dressed Up
Finally, Clause and Ida from Europe met Patrick Andrew. We had such a wonderful evening visiting that I couldn't wait for them to meet Patrick. And he was true to form...being adorable. They squeezed the baby while their children played outside in the snow having snowball fights. Then they were heading to the lake for some R&R.

Lately, Patrick discovered my hair and how to pull it. I've kept it short, but long enough to pull back. Some how, Patrick's little hands found my hair and loves to pull it. I've been saying "Ouch", but it just makes him scream and jump in my arms. It's a game to him, but some times he can really get a great hold and pull. Hmmm...I'll have to come up with something cleaver to get him to stop.

I'm still fighting off feeling sick. Perhaps, it's because minimal sleep. So Mia watched, "Little Munchkin" in the afternoon and I took a nap. A little sleep goes a long way.

We've been putting Patrick in his bumbo but he'll be outgrowing this soon. They need to make baby products for bigger babies. Lately, he's been trying to knock off his leather shoes. I thought I would miss out on dressing up a little girl, but it's amazing what shoes, overalls, and hats can do for having fun with clothes. Patrick always looks too cute in what ever he wears and I love to show him off.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feburary 5

Hurricane Patrick
Grandma and Grandpa friends from Europe came to America for a visit. We were fortunate enough to spend some time with them. Unfortunately, Patrick decided to sleep during the two visits when they came over to see him. My son, who loves to be awake and boy did he stay awake until company came over. He was very cranky and fussy, so I let him sleep. I felt really bad because the two times that they tried to stop by, Patrick was asleep. So that evening, we went to eat barbeque at Haywards. Since the weather has been snowy, many people stayed away from the restaurant. Luckily for us, we were given special treatment. Patrick stayed home with Mia so that he could sleep and it allowed us to enjoy the visit. Ida, gave us a wonderful book that is very common in Europe. She gave us the English version. I love reading books to Patrick, so we'll have to read this gem soon.

When Greg and I came home, I rushed to get Patrick. Oh, how I miss him when I'm away. The rest of the evening, we watched our son playing in his crib. Very soon, he'll be rolling over and crawling. He is showing signs of wanting to crawl. Look at world, here comes Hurricane Patrick.

February 4

Mr. Sandman
Grandma and Grandpa Rickman arrived to squeeze the baby. Patrick loves seeing them. Grandpa loves to play jump-jump with him and will bounce "Thunder Thighs" on his legs. Grandma Linda loves to say, "How Big is Patrick? So, BIG!" I enjoy seeing Patrick interact with his grandparents. Greg and I are fortunate to be so close to family. I truly don't understand when families don't spend time together or call one another. We are blessed. :)

This afternoon, Patrick and I have been playing a game. I will blow bubbles on his cheek and then Patrick immediately grabs my face and pulls me forward. Then, does the same thing on my cheek. We do this several times until we get tired. It's the cutest thing to watch your son give you love. He loves to "play" with my hair. Some people would say he's pulling my hair, but since he gives me kisses, I call it hug. :)

Mr. Sandman, bring me some SLEEP. Mr. Sandman is coming to our house and sprinkling sleepy dust on Patrick. It's a good thing because momma is getting tired. Patrick slept from 11:30 p.m. to 7:15 a.m. then napped from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. This was so great! I felt refresh and energized. Perhaps we are being re-introduced to nap time. Thank you Mr. Sandman!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

February 3

Thelma Solved The Mystery
Boy have times changed. I remember as a little girl getting up early on Saturday morning to watch cartoons. Oh, the excitement! What I would watch would depend on what time I got out of bed. I'd open one eye and realized it was morning and rush downstairs to discover that my brother woke up before me and was watching some dorky cartoon. He never wanted to watch the Smurfs. But we both agreed on Scooby Doo. Today, I got to experience what it's like to watch cartoons through the eyes of my nephew. Where is the excitement in having 24/7 of cartoons on television? Aaaugh! But Andrew likes Scooby Doo and was watching the gang be scared by ghosts, going on a wild goose chase and then having the mystery solved. What will Patrick be watching when he gets older?

This afternoon, Patrick was fighting sleep. He was tired, but wouldn't take a nap. No matter how often we tried, he stayed wide awake. Finally at night, he wore himself out and didn't resist any more. He slept until 9:15 a.m. Mommy and daddy loved it!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

February 2

Hear Me Giggle
I love to hear my son laugh or giggle. The sound of his laughter just puts a smile on my face. Today, Patrick was having so much fun with Cousin Andrew and Daddy. They were rough housing a bit and the dogs even got involved. Patrick was having so much fun that he started laughing with excitement. Then he began to scream and giggle. All the boys had to take a time out because Patrick was getting too excited and kept clearing his throat.

In the afternoon, mommy left daddy in charge and headed out to do a little shopping. Although I want some time for myself, I couldn't help but want to be near my son. While I was out, I kept thinking about Patrick. What was he doing? How was he doing? Does Greg need my help? I love my son so much and the times I am away from him, I always think about him. When I finally arrived home, I went to give him a big kiss, but he was asleep. Oh Snap! I had to wait for another hour before I could pick him up and squeeze him.

Friday, February 1, 2008

February 1

Daddy's Touch
Patrick was a little fussy tonight. I tried to put the voodoo hex on him and it didn't work. I tried three times with all my tricks. Greg must have sensed my frustration because he gave it a try. He picked Patrick up, put him in the football hold, rocked him a little and then magic...he fell right to sleep. The best part was that he stayed asleep until morning.

January 31

Too Cute
Tonight we went to church for Andrew's reconciliation. This is the first step before he can have communion for Easter. It is also known as his "first confession". I'm sure everyone has heard about Catholic confessions where you confess your sins to a priest and then your given a penance. Well, tonight is Andrew's big night. He's been preparing by going to to classes once a week. His usual entourage (family) was there to give him support. He must have been nervous because during the ceremony he felt sick. I think he was just scared and had some butterflies in his stomach. Since he wasn't feeling well, his teacher let him go first to confess his sins. I don't know if this is a good thing or bad thing. Do you really want to be the first child to go to confession? Any way, he did it and was feeling better once we arrived at his house for ice cream and cake. It's amazing how desserts makes it all feel better.

A couple of cute things happened during the ceremony. Kaitlynn saw Patrick all dressed up for the night and said, "Patrick looks too cute!" Then, Aunt Tammy and Uncle Mark wanted to hold Patrick before the church service began. Uncle Mark held Patrick and wouldn't give him up. They were fighting over who could hold him. Once the ceremony began, Patrick decided he had enough and started crying. I had to take him outside the church and listen from the waiting room. Timing is everything! Two families with a 9 month old and 11 month old noticed Patrick. They couldn't believe Patrick's size. They thought their children were younger then Patrick and was amazed that Patrick was only 5 months. We get that quite often. He's our BIG BOY!

I Can Fight 9 Kids

My husband sent me this link,so I decided to play. I guess I'm too kind hearted. Thank goodness!